SEWAGE COUNCIL

J. Michael Baran, SEO

Here to serve YOU! 

The Washington County Sewage Council (WCSC) is a non-profit organization that serves over 42 Municipalities in Washington County to ensure that property owners and contractors stay in compliance with PA State DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) regulations regarding the disposal of human waste.  We are not a County, State, or Federal Agency, but a local government Cooperative organization as allowed for by PA Act 537 of 1965.  By combining resources to create a single entity, we can ensure uniform compliance and rule enforcement.  We work to continually maintain a stable knowledge base and consistent service as Local officials change. 

We work closely with the Pennsylvania DEP, local contractors, engineers, and soil scientists to give our applicants and residents as many options as possible for construction and repair of on-lot sewage disposal systems. 

We hope you will consider us your partner in solving on-lot septic problems. 

Allenport Borough West Pike Run Township Morris TownshipAmwell Township Mount Pleasant Township West Middletown Bentleyville Borough North Bethlehem TownshipCity of Monongahela Blaine Township WestFinley Township Buffalo Township West Bethlehem Township California Borough Union Township Canton Township South Strabane Township Carroll Township Centerville BoroughSouth Franklin Township Cecil Township SomersetTownshipChartiers Township Smith Township Robinson TownshipCross Creek Township Deemston Borough Peters TownshipDonegal Township Long Branch Borough Nottingham Township Jefferson Township IndependenceTownship Hanover Township Hopewell Township North Franklin TownshipNorth Strabane Township Donora Borough East Finley Township Fallowfield Township

Jodi Noble, Chartiers Township           
Tyler Linck, South Franklin Township 
Stephanie Pettit, Canton Township     
Lars Lange, West Bethlehem Township 
Wayne Montgomery, Amwell Township

Our Operating Committee:

Working together for a cleaner environment

​Heath Glumac, SEO


When you're dealing with the our Sewage Officers, you're in the best of hands. Our officers are State Certified, participate in ongoing education, and regularly keep informed of the latest policies relating to Pennsylvania sewage law.